Quality Management System AS9100D Certification

LICRIT and the company Quality Management System has been certified for the provision of software development, system design, requirements definition for critical and aerospace applications, ALM (Application Life Cycle) tool distribution, provision of technical training and consultation services in related areas.

AS9100D certification was obtained with the support of European Union through Czech national project Národní Plán Obnovy.


Project Name: “Žádost o podporu při certifikaci společnosti a systému managementu kvality podle normy AS9100 Rev D.”


Registration Number: 2321000113


The goal of the project was to establish Quality Management System according to objectives of AS9100D & EN ISO 9001:2015 and align the internal company process landscape with the highest quality requirements, allowing to establish proper, robust and secure framework for our current organization and activities, as well as for our future growth