our aviation Stories
Rapita Systems and LICRIT announce strategic partnership
We are happy to announce that we have entered into a strategic partnership with Rapita Systems to support common customers in their safety-critical aerospace projects by providing optimized and tailored solutions for software development and...
Boosting Confidence in the Skies: Latest EASA’s Development Assurance Initiative Explained – LICRIT
In the past half of a century the Aerospace products have grown increasingly complex, interconnected and fiendishly difficult to understand for any single individual. With the growing complexity the number of misunderstandings, insufficient...
Is EASA’s “Net Safety Benefit” policy ambitious enough?
While there might not be a human programmer in 5 years if we are to believe the CEO of Stability AI (from a recent interview with Peter H. Diamandis for the Moonshots and Mindsets Podcast), the aerospace industry still seems to be stuck in the...
To DO-254 or not to DO-254? That is the question…
We hear some say that life used to be simpler in the old days. While this sentiment is mostly connected with the way human brain suppresses negative memories and we thus tend to remember our past in rosy colors, at a first glance the same could be...
New office
We have a new office! You can currently find us at Technická 2935/23, 616 00 Brno, Czech Republic in the TechNest building. Come to see us, we have a good coffee and a pleasant environment.